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Messages - chamilion

Pages: [1]
It happens in the build when I press play.  Testing it further, I don't think my issue has anything to do with the DOMove as it also occurs if I simply change the transform of the gameobject to a new vector (without Tweening).  The gameobject is a child of the UI grid layout, so I'm thinking maybe that is my problem?  I'll need to look into this more...


I'm new to Unity and DOTween.  I have a very simple gameobject prefab that is instantiated at the beginning of the game and DOMove is called on mouse click to move it's transform.  It works perfectly, however when I click out of Unity to a different Windows tab and click back into Unity, the prefab moves back to it's original position.  Is this suppose to happen?  How do I keep it at it's end position?  Any relevant info on how all this works would be helpful.  Thanks!

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