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Messages - simonj

Pages: [1]
DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: get Path in callback function
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:58:45 PM »
Thanks again Daniele. I'll look into the lambda function. I've got it working at the moment using your suggestion of a class variables to hold the tween instance.

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: get Path in callback function
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:59:14 PM »
Thanks Daniele for your reply.

Would there be another purpose of using the callback other than doing something with the Tween? I'm wondering if I'm looking at things the wrong way?

DOTween & DOTween Pro / get Path in callback function
« on: August 14, 2015, 09:19:38 AM »

I'm trying to work out how to access the Path once I have used a callback function. The new function won't have scope of the Tween created so I'd like to know how to access it. I would like to be able to set a waypoint dynamically to give a random look using the gotowaypoint function but obviously need a handle on the Tween first.

Your help is appreciated.

// taken from the supplied sample code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using DG.Tweening;

public class Paths : MonoBehaviour
   public Transform target;
   public PathType pathType = PathType.CatmullRom;

   Vector3[] waypoints = new[] {
      new Vector3(-3.48f,-6.358611f,0f),
      new Vector3(-3.02f,-6.14f,0f),
      new Vector3(-2.348492f,-6.003549f,0f),
      new Vector3(-1.919789f,-5.918438f,0f),
      new Vector3(-1.533964f,-5.918437f,0f),
      new Vector3(-1.276615f,-5.807039f,0f),
      new Vector3(-0.7315713f,-5.847458f,0f),
      new Vector3(-0.2636646f,-5.965012f,0f),
      new Vector3(0.2385418f,-6.102207f,0f),
      new Vector3(0.5094132f,-6.184325f,0f),
      new Vector3(0.8023798f,-6.183298f,0f)

void Start()

      Tween t = target.DOPath(waypoints, 4, pathType)

void MyCallback(int a) {
 // how to access the Tween/Path in this function?

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