Thanks much for the fast reply!
1) Ok, ya I read your official docs and, while they cover the basics it would be nice to have a full API reference. And I ask this as a purchaser of the Pro version, I would never expect it w/out paying

2/3) So you're saying that whatever is used in your shortcut methods, the tween's target is always that object? So is the following accurate?
- Tween one = transform.DoMove(); -> = (UnityEngine.Transform)transform?
- Tween two = image.DOColor(); -> = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)image?
If this is the case I can appreciate it. The safe thing to do during a production application would be to check the type on these before using them but if you have hundreds of them per frame, the check will be a performance hit.
4) Tween one = transform.DoMove(); List<Tween> onesTweens = DOTween.TweensByTarget(
If the list is long, how do I check which tween is which in a performant way? A shortcut would be an id or enum that I could place on the tween and just check equality but if I dont have that what would be your suggested way?
I usually always keep references to things so I can avoid the performance hit of doing searches (i.e. I never do GameObject.GetComponent<Whatever Component> as that is a performance hit). But there are definitely times I will need to check what is what.
Thanks again!