For starters, thanks for making DOTween, and thanks for offering it free of charge! I just made a small PayPal donation.
I'm new to DOTween, so this is probably user error, but I'm not able to get a nested Sequence to play. For my project, I have my DOTween preferences set up as shown in the attachment. And the following code is running on Start():
// define Tweeners and Sequences
topPanelText_In = DOTween.Sequence ();
topPanelText_In.Append (headerText.DOAnchorPos(textRestPos,0.75f).SetEase(Ease.InCubic));
topPanelText_In.Insert (0, headerText_Text.DOFade(color_headerText.a, 0.75f));
topPanelText_Change = DOTween.Sequence ();
topPanelText_Change.Append (headerTextOut.DOAnchorPos(textOutPos,0.5f).SetEase(Ease.OutCubic));
topPanelText_Change.Insert (0, headerText_Text.DOFade(0, 0.5f));
topPanelText_Change.Insert (0.35f, topPanelText_In);
topPanel_In = DOTween.Sequence();
topPanel_In.Append (topPanelGroup.DOFade (1f, topPanelImgFadeDuration));
topPanel_In.Insert (0.5f,topPanelText_In);
Now, only Tweeners are set to autoPlay, so I start up the sequences later, but when I run topPanel_In.Play(), the fade happens, but topPanelText_In never starts. If, for example, I add an onPlay handler, it never fires.
Am I making a really obvious mistake that I can't see?