Hi! Just wondering if I'm correct in this assumption. In the following scenario the second tween would override the first.
obj.DORotate(Vector3.up, 0.5F);
obj.DORotate(Vector3.right, 1);
To clarify, tween #1 goes to (0,1,0) and #2 to (1,0,0). The second tween re-specifies the Y component of the first tween as 0, effectively overriding #1's Y value of 1.
It'd be handy to be able to do these compound rotations at different speeds, although I can see how that might get tricky in terms of setting the Euler angles or Quaternion values. Can't do them for a single axis.
Or maybe I'm not understanding the correct way to make this work simultaneously. Sequences? SetRelative? DOvoodooMagicTween?
Thank you kindly! I love DOTween to bits.