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Topics - Nooh

Pages: [1]
DOTween & DOTween Pro / Sequnce reach max problem
« on: October 09, 2015, 10:33:33 AM »

I'm using :

[Unity 5.2.0, DOTween Last ver and DoTween pro 0.9]

 In same project

My q is :
My game crash in iphone when the movment or rotate or scale or path finished tweening ! , some time if it don't crash it play tween once and dont replay in all other scene !! The debug talk about sequance reach MAX , how can i solve this and make movment or any tween work normaly without crash ??!!
Note : i using tween with attatch to prefabs not by cod , also can i remove free ver of DoTween folder from my project or its importent to pro to work ?

Pages: [1]