« on: May 08, 2015, 10:37:14 AM »
Apologies for the late answer. I posted a warning on Unity Forums, that this week I will be slow to support because of special circumstances.
First of all, all static methods that accept a "target" filter don't work on a gameObject basis, but require the true target you used. For example:
// A transform tween
myTransform.DOMoveX(2, 1);
// is killed like this
// or like this
// but not like this
To kill all tweens on all children your approach is correct (you can scrap the gameObject filter), but it will kill only the tweens that have the main transform or a child transform as a target, and not, for example, tweens that are active on a material. If you still have a callback being fired, it means that you must have some other non-transform tween firing it (or maybe a tween with the same callback that has a completely different transform as a target?). If you're unsure, you could always give an ID to all the tweens you create on a gameObject (and just so you know, you can also use the gameObject itself as an ID), like this:
transform.DOMoveX(2, 1).SetId(transform.gameObject);
and then you can do: