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Messages - halukcetiner

Pages: [1]
DOTweenAnimation dotweenanim=gameObject.GetComponent<DOTweenAnimation>();
        dotweenanim.endValueColor = new Color(0.50f, 1.0f, 0.0f,1f);

I see the change of color in inspector.
but when I attempt to play the tween it plays the old color. what should I do to notify the Dotweenpro (eg. "hey my dotweenpro" the endcolor has been changed. you should take care of this.)

any clue ?

Dotween pro/ playing all by id at runtime doesnt working as expected. :-\

I have 2 dotweenanimation component for an object.
and when I wantto play only one tween. both tween playing.
so how can I play and pause Dotweenaniamtion components individually at runtime ?
this is my code. and there is no accessviolation error. but no animation works or all works by sequence order.
eg I run this code dotweenanims[1].play()   dotweenanims[0] also plays.

 DOTweenAnimation[] dotweenanims;

        foreach (GameObject e in gameObjects)
            dotweenanims = e.GetComponents<DOTweenAnimation>();


I have more than 200 polygons with sphere collider(trigger on) attached.
Do tween animation attached as a ccomponent each of them.
tween mode is selected to color.

and got a couple of codes.
 private DOTweenAnimation dotweenanim;
 dotweenanim = gameObject.GetComponent<DOTweenAnimation>();
but this code .never works. except
this procedure:
1- stop game. select polygon which of dotween animation component attached.
2- play the game. voila runtime codes works. (without clicking once in designtime mode, runtime method doesnt working (DoPlay  method)


1- in designtime: Im checking dotween animation compoent to autoplay.
2- recheck off the autoplay (off it again.)
3- play the game.
4- voila the code works.

I think this is a bug I repoted here.
I can upload a small youtube video on any request.
but obviously
runtime codes doesnt working without designtime pinching on and off the <autoplay> button in inspector.
weird. do you have a fix for this ? or may be this is unity5 bug.

just reporting here. I can build up a sample project or a youtubevideo to show up the bug.


Pages: [1]