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Messages - rfcrocha

Pages: [1]
DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Tween got killed without obvious reason
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:01:10 PM »
Wow, i feel like a noob now. Totally forgot to check the full log and it seems that, for some reason, I had a DoTween.Clear(); lost in my code.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank's for the awesome plugin that is DoTween :)

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Tween got killed without obvious reason
« on: January 15, 2016, 03:54:19 PM »

+1 to this problem but in my case, even with recycle tweens disabled, i have the "bug". I checked the 5 points mentioned before and none of them relate. Is there any other way to debug this situation?

I'm using unity 5.3.1p1 and dotween v1.1.135

How it happens -
I have a disabled gameobject with a script. I call a function on that script that enables the gameObject and plays the animation. The animated object is a child of the previous mentioned object.
Sometimes it works but most of the times it kills the animation before it finishes. The animation is killed at random points.

Code: [Select]
public override void Open()
m_panelTransform.anchoredPosition -= Vector2.up * 450;
m_panelTransform.DOAnchorPos(, 1.5f).SetEase(Ease.OutExpo).SetAutoKill(false).OnKill(OnKill);

void OnKill()

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