DOTween & DOTween Pro / How to store a generic tween?
« on: June 11, 2016, 09:26:26 PM »
Hello there
How are you doing?
I have a vertical layout group that consists of the letters in the alphabet.
Users can do either of these two options:
- vertically scroll letters
- use the center letter. Depending on whether they drag the letter left/right it sends a message to the following method by passing a letter index (a List) so a letter is moved and centered in the vertical layout group.
PROBLEM is that moving the vertical layout group kind of spikes the physics 2d in the profile, but more importantly going from A back to Z causes a serious expensive on an iPhone 6 Plus. It jumps from 23% to 50%. See the video:
My solution is to store the Sequence, but I am unsure how you store a lambda, given the final value is not always known.
Hope that makes sense.
How are you doing?
I have a vertical layout group that consists of the letters in the alphabet.
Users can do either of these two options:
- vertically scroll letters
- use the center letter. Depending on whether they drag the letter left/right it sends a message to the following method by passing a letter index (a List) so a letter is moved and centered in the vertical layout group.
Code: [Select]
public void LetterInterval (int value) {
float offset = value * LetterHeight;
float offsetMin = _rectHeight + offset;
float offsetMax = offset;
// Debug.Log(offsetMin);
// Debug.Log(offsetMax);
DOTween.To(() => _rectForVerticalLayoutGroup.offsetMin, x => _rectForVerticalLayoutGroup.offsetMin = x, new Vector2(0f, offsetMin), _CENTERING_TIME).SetEase(Ease.InOutCubic);
DOTween.To(() => _rectForVerticalLayoutGroup.offsetMax, x => _rectForVerticalLayoutGroup.offsetMax = x, new Vector2(0f, offsetMax), _CENTERING_TIME).SetEase(Ease.InOutCubic);
PROBLEM is that moving the vertical layout group kind of spikes the physics 2d in the profile, but more importantly going from A back to Z causes a serious expensive on an iPhone 6 Plus. It jumps from 23% to 50%. See the video:
My solution is to store the Sequence, but I am unsure how you store a lambda, given the final value is not always known.
Hope that makes sense.