The object returned is a Tween, and you can use all the Set(X) method on it. Are you storing the returned reference the right way? For example, this totally works:
// Animated the timeScale to 2 in 0.4 seconds
Tween t = DOTween.To(()=> Time.timeScale, x=> Time.timeScale = x, 2, 0.4f);
// Set the tween as independent from the timeScale (since you're animating that)
and this too, with direct chaining without a direct reference:
DOTween.To(()=> Time.timeScale, x=> Time.timeScale = x, 2, 0.4f).SetEase(Ease.InQuad).SetUpdate(true);
P.S. no need to write the full "DG.Tweening.DOTween.To". You can just write DOTween.To as in my example if you add a using directive on the top of your class:
using DG.Tweening;
EDIT: I also modified the content of your tween to use the generic way correctly