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Messages - Daniele

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DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: If Statement and Sequences
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:25:28 AM »

Update is a method that is automatically called every single frame in Unity. That means that your IFs will be checked and executed every frame, regardless of whether a tween/sequence/anything-else is running or not.


DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Pulsing effect on transform
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:02:31 PM »
You can't flip the objects (by changing their scale to negative) while the tween is playing, because the tween will overwrite the scale you set. The solution would be to place your object inside a parent, tween the child, and change the parent's scale to negative when you want to flip it.

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Pulsing effect on transform
« on: June 24, 2015, 02:50:31 PM »
Hello, and thanks for buying!

To do that you have two options: simply Rewind the tween when the mouse exits, which will immediately jump to the beginning of the tween, or SmoothRewind it, which will play the tween backwards (ignoring any loop count) until the target reaches its initial state.

Code: [Select]
Tween myTween;

void Start()
   // Create and store the tween so you can reuse it,
   // also add infinite loops (so it pulses until it's manually stopped/rewinded)
   // and set its autoKill status to FALSE, so it won't be automatically
   // destroyed when completed.
   // Finally, set its state to paused, so it will be played only on mouse enter
   myTween = transform.DOScale(3, 1).SetLoops(-1, LoopType.Yoyo).SetAutoKill(false).Pause();

void OnMouseEnter()
   // Play the tween

void OnMouseExit()
   // CHOOSE:
   // either rewind immediately
   // or rewind with animation

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: DOTweenPath incremental loop problem
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:13:31 PM »

Sorry that was indeed a bug. Grab the attached version to fix it :)

Hey Ilan,

I'm supersorry for being late. I had an emergency and was out for a few days. I'm glad in the meantime you solved it, even if the solution is very weird. I suppose Unity messed something up and needed a refresh like you did.


DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: restart a tween and sequence.
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:17:20 AM »

Sorry for the late reply, but I was out until today. I answered you on Unity's forum (going through mails I found that one before this one).


Everything seems perfect there, and it's very weird it's not working. Could you try also to:
  • set the stripping level to Strip Assemblies, and Script Call Optimization to Slow and Safe?
  • completely disable safe mode, then see if it throws some errors in the editor or on iOS?
Also, are you by any chance using all timeScale independent tweens?

Sorry for this issue. I know people are using DOTween on iOS so I'm sure there must be some issue in your case that I need to find.

Great, and thanks :)

And no, DOLocalJump is not the same as SetRelative (they can actually work together). Instead, it simply tweens the localPosition instead than the position of an objects.

About the new question, I'm not sure of the functionality. I assume "targetPosition" sets the end position to reach, and then the asset animates towards that position during Update calls? If so, you could comment out the part where the targetPosition is used by the transform, and directly use a DOJump with the transform itself (otherwise no, you can't DOJump a Vector3 directly, because DOJump requires a transform/rigidbody target).


Hi Ilan,

The only problem I can think of is with safe mode, which on iOS works only if stripping level is set to Strip Assemblies or Script Call Optimization is set to Slow and Safe. Can you check that? If it's still not working, could you:
  • Let me know what version of DOTween were you using before
  • Disable safe mode and see if you get errors on iOS
  • Re-enable safe mode, run the app, then send me Unity's iOS log

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: A getter for the Tween.Loops
« on: June 11, 2015, 10:15:21 PM »
Voilą :)  It's called simply Loops(), not GetLoops()

Voilą, update attached :)

Also, now SetRelative works with Sequences too (it sets all sequenced tweens as relative), plus I fixed a bug where a DOJump didn't end correctly in some cases, when using a single loop.


DOJump returns a Sequence, not a Tweener, and SetRelative doesn't work with Sequences. I just realized though that it would be nice if it worked, especially for stuff like DOJump, so I'm gonna implement that. Should be done for tomorrow.


DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: OnPlay callback issue
« on: June 11, 2015, 01:21:51 AM »
Agh! :O My deepest apologies David! I admit that the wall of text scared me, and I initially postponed it for a few hours while I was taking care of other tween things. But only now I realized I completely forgot about it. Sorry!

The preprocessor directive idea is very nice, and I love preprocessor directives, but that is actually the only con of having DOTween as a DLL: I can't play with preprocessor directives like that.

I'm adding OnPlay to my "maybe" list, and will investigate it more ;)

About the missing warning, my bad. I just realized I take care of that by ignoring new tweens if they're already nested, but I don't dispatch any warning. Added to my "quick todo" list.

Cheers :)

DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Fade in then fade out sequence
« on: June 11, 2015, 01:03:30 AM »

That is weird. I tried to replicate the same Sequence you have, just to be sure I didn't mess something up in some recent update, but everything works perfectly here, without any need to add a delay between the 2 fades. Can you send me an example UnityPackage so I can check what's happening in your case?


DOTween & DOTween Pro / Re: Fade in then fade out sequence
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:55:25 PM »

You are confusing the parameters. The first DOFade parameter is the fade amount (0 to 1), while the second is the duration. In your code, you are setting the fade to 1 both times. So the material first fades from *yourMaterialAlpha* to 1, then from 1 to 1 again, so nothing seems to happen.

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