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Topics - larykUA

Pages: [1]
Hello everybody!

My code is:
Code: [Select]
void MovePlayer()
.Append(transform.DOLookAt(moveTo, 1, AxisConstraint.None, Vector3.up))
.Insert(0, transform.DOMove(moveTo, movingTime, false).SetEase(Ease.Linear).OnComplete(onMoveComplete));

Code: [Select]
public void onMoveComplete()

The onMoveComplete callback does not called on Android device as well as Unity Editor.
Sometimes the callback called one time, but does not called for next DOTween.Sequence . Sometimes it does not called at all.

I do not kill or stop sequence in any way.

I do NOT have this problem with my previous 1.0.401 version of DOTween.
My Unity is the latest 5.0.2f1 .

Please help. Thanks !

Pages: [1]