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Messages - retromonkey

Pages: [1]

Delay should totally work, I use that all the time. What you mean with "tab away"?


I add the component, I fill in all the parameters (including delay) - I mean I move off the field so it saves okay. But, when I run the scene the delay doesn't happen and when I stop the game and I return to the component view all the parameters except delay are still set as they should be but delay is 0 again.

It's just a simple MoveTo setup so I wondered if it was a known problem. I'm using version 0.9.225?

p.s. everything (apart from this) seems to be working great after your help the other day - thanks again.

DOTween & DOTween Pro / DoTweenPro Animation Script ?Delay Error?
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:58:07 PM »

I am really new to DoTweenPro but when I use the animation script in Inspector for Move and set a delay value (and tab away) it fails to delay and is returned to zero after the scene is played.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it a known problem?

Although I could just use my own controller script it seems a shame not to use the Animation script.
All suggestions welcome.

Pages: [1]