DOTween & DOTween Pro / DOPlayBackwards() Not honoring the amount of loops set before called.
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:53:33 PM »
Awesome asset! I'm having an issue though.
I have this, and it's working fine:
So I have my sprite spinning counter-clockwise. When I click on it I just want it to spin the opposite direction so I call:
This plays backwards but only 1 loop and no infinite as it was doing before I told it to play backwards. Is there some backwards loop I'm missing to set infinite?
I just want to have it spin counter-clockwise, then click and play clockwise and alternate on clicks.
I have this, and it's working fine:
Code: [Select]
transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 360), 8, RotateMode.FastBeyond360).SetLoops(-1).SetEase(Ease.Linear);
So I have my sprite spinning counter-clockwise. When I click on it I just want it to spin the opposite direction so I call:
Code: [Select]
This plays backwards but only 1 loop and no infinite as it was doing before I told it to play backwards. Is there some backwards loop I'm missing to set infinite?
I just want to have it spin counter-clockwise, then click and play clockwise and alternate on clicks.