DOTween & DOTween Pro / Callback ordering
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:26:16 PM »
The code below produces the following sequence: 2, 1
var seq = DOTween.Sequence();
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(1));
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(2));
The code below produces the following sequence: 1, 2
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(1));
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(2));
What is the correct way of appending callbacks and getting the correct sequence?
var seq = DOTween.Sequence();
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(1));
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(2));
The code below produces the following sequence: 1, 2
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(1));
seq.AppendCallback(() => Debug.Log(2));
What is the correct way of appending callbacks and getting the correct sequence?